Our Platform: For us by us.
This is where we’ve landed after listening to and gathering input from our community. Our campaign is built on the foundational themes of power, equity, and generational wealth. Together, we’re shaping a future that uplifts everyone.


In 2025, with the right leadership, District 2 can finally stop asking for permission. Now is the time to start building intentional partnerships across the city that affirm the multitude of talent and genius that exists in our community.

North Omaha has no deficits. Every skill, trade, and idea we need to change our circumstances can be found right here. District 2 deserves leadership that recognizes this fact and has the ability to inspire our residents and allies to act on it.

Building power begins by recognizing the power we already have.

Voter Engagement

Power is built, not by excluding or perpetuating the status quo, but through aligning us all under the reality that no one can save us but us. District 2 deserves a candidate who can “read the room,” and the community has been clear: we must act now.

The energy can be felt in every conversation with residents who want and need urgent change. We need everyone to participate because if we don’t bring old and new voters to the polls, our community’s opposition will.

Consistent Communication

We are all tired of absentee leadership. We can’t afford another twelve years of uncertainty or another day of missed opportunities. Leadership is a collaborative experience.

This isn’t another “top-down” campaign. When elected, residents should know that the office at City Hall is all of ours. When you call, we will answer. When you show up, we will be standing right beside you.

Accessible Information

In order to access opportunity, residents must have the necessary information.

Ask yourself before April 1st if you feel confident that our current or past leadership has given you the information you need to improve your life. If that answer is no, we want your support. We are dedicated to being transparent, proactive, and accessible to ensure the next four years are District 2’s best.


It is imperative that we level the playing field in Omaha and use the next four years as the foundation for a District 2 economic and cultural renaissance. That means we acknowledge the value of all of our neighbors and their contributions to what is now a beautifully multicultural community.

The City of Omaha has a clear and documented history of concentrating wealth and power in a way that discourages diversity in many of its forms. District 2 and North Omaha have become home to countless communities, and all of us deserve access to the kind of life-changing opportunities, care, and investment that the rest of Omaha enjoys.

Grow the Median Household Income

The City of Omaha as a whole has a median household income of $72,072, while District 2 sits at just under $48,000. That $24,000 difference speaks volumes and shows up in our moments of crisis.

Our goal is to match the city’s median household income by the end of our first term as District 2’s City Council representative.

Community Connectedness

Not only have we become disconnected from each other socially, but we have been intentionally disconnected from the rest of the city, structurally.

Transportation and accessible travel routes are the lifeblood of a city. Just like with a city’s budget, roads and modes of public transportation can tell you exactly what your city’s leadership thinks about you and where they believe you deserve to be.

We plan to do the work that reconnects North Omaha to the rest of the city, starting with creating access to the parts of the city where jobs exist now.

Life Expectancy

If you are Black in Omaha, you have a ten-year shorter life expectancy than your white neighbors—a decade less time to spend with loved ones, cultivate your business, or live your dreams.

In the first year, we want to create a District 2 action plan, in collaboration with community partners, to eliminate this disparity and allow Black Omahans to live long, healthy lives.


If the last decade has taught us anything, it's that time waits for no one. The future is right now, so we must meet it head-on in the best position possible. The generations before us had their struggles, and because of that, it's been left to us to be the generation that breaks the cycle of poverty for our families.

That means strategic thinking, business innovation, and a wealth of services in District 2 that keep our dollars circulating right here in our own neighborhood. It’s time our labor and hard work benefit us first.

Black Generational Wealth

This campaign won’t ever apologize for making District 2’s Black residents the priority in our policy efforts.

As a Black man who has lived his own life in North Omaha, Jones knows both the hardships and the beauty of the community firsthand. We also know that American systems were created with the intention of disenfranchising its Black populations.

We cannot ignore that history, and not ignoring it means we must intentionally repair centuries of harm to catalyze generations of success.


Not everyone has to have or run their own business, but if you have a good idea, you owe it to yourself to see what it can become.

Your city owes it to you to support that idea through its various programs and community partners. Omaha is known worldwide for the businesses birthed here. You are next!

A vote for Jones is a vote to put a leader into office who will advocate for you, your ideas, and your future.

Community Self-Sufficiency

Part of what makes a thriving community is its ability to survive without aid.

A thriving community contains businesses and services that provide exactly what its neighbors have asked for. It has a cultural identity that an economy can depend on to circulate wealth within its boundaries.

It also has a sense of pride that propels its residents to protect its interests and reject all forms of exploitation. We don’t need “help” in the way so many think of it; we just need the room and respect to work our magic.